Beyond The Hair Brush: A Tribute To Women’s History Month

All Women Are Beautiful

Do you ever look around at the standard of beauty women are held to today? Do you ever wonder why? Why is it beautiful to be so thin? Why is it beautiful to be “put together”? Have your make up and nails done, smell like perfume, have hairless arm pits, legs, and… 🤐

Society bombards us with unrealistic expectations on what an attractive woman looks like. Airbrushed images and endless beauty routines have become the bane of our existence.

That’s Not How We Were Made

What created this standard of beauty? I have been pondering a lot lately on the innate and natural beauty within myself, and all women. I think a lot about Mother Nature and what she would be like and look like. What did she see as beautiful? She didn’t know about diets or fads. In fact, I’m sure she had a mom pooch. Mother Nature didn’t know about make up. She didn’t know how to use a Razer. Hell, who knows if she even had a hair brush? 

There is simply something so beautiful about the way our bodies were made to be. When we don’t have a chance to do our hair or make up. When we haven’t had a chance to shave. There is a stunning beauty there and I am choosing to embrace it! I’m not going to shave today, because I am beautiful. I’m not going to do my make up today, because I am beautiful. I am not going to do my hair today, because I am beautiful. I’m beautiful as myself, without changing. You are too, all women are!

All Women Are Strong

Do you ever look around at the way women are treated and pictured in society sometimes? Messages are sent such as, “you throw like a girl!” Or “you must be on your period.” Or one that really gets me is that anytime I go to a doctor I feel dismissed, “It’s nothing.” “You’re just anxious.” Have you ever wondered why women are treated this way?

Society bombards us with messages telling us that we can’t, we aren’t strong enough, that we are weak. Maybe because they are hoping we’ll stay down? Women are inherently strong. From the power to create life to the unwavering determination to achieve our goals, our strength is undeniable.

We Were Built This Way

My own journey involved challenging myself by joining a mountain biking team in high school. Despite initial self-doubt, I pushed my limits and became the first girl to qualify for and race varsity.

The second time I recognized my true strength was when I brought my son into this world. I was in labor for 38 hours and then I birthed my beautiful baby boy. It was incredible to realize the strength that I was born with, and that all women have.

There is power and there is wisdom in being a woman. We have instincts that allow us to care for and know what’s best for our babies. We have determination that allows us to accomplish anything we set our minds to. We are nurturers, visionaries, and unstoppable forces.

Share With Us!

Let me know in the comments what things make you feel innately beautiful and inherently strong! Or something you admire about a woman!

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